
Precious Gems Called Emotions

Develop a list of words to describe your feelings or an emotional state. Start with those you know. Consider them further, look at their nuances. Examine each. Inspect its contours carefully as you gaze in to its depths. Emotional Loops: Disgust - Frustrated - Annoyed - Irritability - Angry - Adrenalized - Anxious - Overwhelmed - Fear - Depression - Heavy/Fogged - Numb - Tired Contentment - Comfortable/Auto-pilot - Disappointed - Helpless - Hopeless - Depressed - Suicidal Stimulated - Joy - High on life kinda High - addicted - brace myself for reality - chemically unbalanced - Weak - (feel the need to) Normalize - Don't get happy/stimulated Uncertain - Judged - Ugly/Unworthy - Wrongful - Disgust  Compassion - Heart-broken - Hopeful - Optimistic - Determined - Unprepared - Reluctant - Uncommitted - Disappointment - Weak/Hopeless  Independent - Conquered - Codependent - Unconfident - Disappointment - Unworthy - Give Up - Depressed - suicidal  "Trees can be an inspiration us. One

A Talk with Joy

  10/13/22 I got my cup of tea and I’m going to sit down with Joy. We are going to have a talk and we are going to learn how to be friends. Joy… talk to me, friend. Well we both know childhood was not easy… dad was in rough shape, mom was in rough shape, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Bob weren’t able to be around for a long time and lets be real it wasn’t fun. But school, oh man! School was were it was at Kindergarten and everything we learned: Johnny Appleseed, the weather wheel, ice cream scoops, Mrs. Pote. Ahh was that a blast. Then first grade with the. Chickens and the tadpole and releasing the butterflies then moving. Second grade I don’t remember much but then third grade came and we were so scared but it was the best learning year yet! It just kept getting better and better. Friends were the roughest part about it but there was something about learning about the world that made friends and their gossip seem so small. The teachers always had my back, they gave us such a sense of securit

Digging Deeper

  10/08/22 When a friend is being emotional I do strive for the being a pair of ears. Empathizing. Then reminding them they deserve better than their circumstances and reminding them they have control over their life, not the situation or the people that are affecting their mood. The question was how do I feel when a friend is emotional…oops. I do feel their feels too. I feel like that’s a huge part in being there for someone you go through their emotions with them and help them get out on the other side if you will.  How do I relate with my partner emotionally? Not very well if I do say so myself. He is a feel the feels all the way through, even if it takes three days. I understand why, we are both energy people and in order to get past the energy you have to go through it. I just move through mine a little quicker because I can think my way through my emotions. Figure out what’s mine, what’s more chemical imbalances, what’s rational and what’s not. He grew up very different, and h

All Emotions Still Welcomed!

  10/07/22 I would say I do a little bit of processing the moment, and I stew. I’m basing it on the last emotional tornado I was in. I was processing frustration along the way and reminding myself it could get better so hang tight, but by month three I definitely snapped as if I was stewing. But I vented to Chris aloe the way but the frustration still escalated to anger, and then from there I was able to turn into….I don’t think forgiveness is the right word but from anger towards her to sympathy and wishing her the best. I think if I’m not to that point, I’m close. I think I’ve ridded most of the anger, but I have a call with Tracey soon so we will see if that provokes anything, but I’m speaking it won’t.  I’ve mentioned it a couple times, when I’m upset, I allow my emotion to have it’s space until it’s released everything. I cry if I need to. I give myself a little pep talk. I have a scary level of patience so when I’m upset I tell myself I need to give the situation or the person

Another Round of Emotions

  10/06/22 The diamonds are definitely my emotional ole models. They just have a way of cool hand Luke all the time. They role with life’s punches, they admit that they feel, but they seek perspective and without thinking about anything else move on. How do I meet my emotions? I’ve been really working on making my awareness their best friend. When I’m angry I’m allowed to feel angry, and I’ll ‘listen’ to the rage, or I’ll talk to someone about it, not seeking validation just to release it. If I’m sad I allow myself to cry, or sort through why I’m upset, then pep talk myself back to even. Happiness… I meet happiness with gratefulness and it evens out my highs but I’m higher for a lot longer; I think the universe for the situation that makes me happy, and try to store it in the memory bank when I need the reminders that life is pretty dang good. Do I avoid my emotions? I would say at this point in my life I’m pretty open to not avoiding my emotions. It’s taken some time and a lot work

Emotions Again

  10.04.22 Okay all this talk about emotions… the defining moments that shape my attitudes and beliefs about my emotions and feelings? Well I was raised by an alcoholic who didn’t know how to handle his own emotions and feelings. So I learned to stunt both and all emotions and feelings pretty early on. If I was mad, it was made VERY clear I was not justified in feeling so, I was treated as though I was a drama queen. If I cried I would go to my room, and be checked in after a little while and be told that’s enough. I didn’t get happy or excited much because we didn’t really do anything to spark those emotions, and my dad was adamant about not telling me good things prior because “he didn’t want to get my hopes up.” So that’s been my big task for the past three years is undoing that and allowing myself the space and time to feel the feels. I got into writing really early on to because of this. I didn’t want to tell people how I was feeling because I recognized I experience my emotions

All Emotions are Welcome Here!

  10.03.22 My emotional status right now is just feeling at peace. Life has been…an adventure and a half for the past 4 months now and now we live very close to the water in Florida, we officially bought a house that couldn’t be more perfect for us, and everything just feels different. We both sense a bigger better change coming here soon and that gives me a peace in my hear as well. I finally feel grounded enough to where Chris and I can put in some roots. The visions of becoming a family seem so incredible where it used to terrify me before. Everything just feels right these days (the three days we’ve in the house). My emotional identity? This’ll be fun…  I had to look this one up. According to the School of Life, emotional identity is the “characteristic way in which our desires and fears manifest themselves and our personalities respond to the behavior, negative and positive, of others.” They broke it down into four categories: Self-Love, Contour, Communication andTrust. I’m an